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Doç. Dr. Mehmet ÇAKIRTAŞ
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet ÇAKIRTAŞ


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Prof. Hasan ÖZALP
Prof. Hasan ÖZALP

İslam felsefesi, İslam bilim tarihi,  İslam Ahlak Düşüncesi Alanlarında Tanınan Akademisyen

Tabiat boşluk kabul etmez. İlimsiz marifet eksik, marifetsiz ilim vebaldir. İnsan küçük bir âlem, âlem büyük bir insandır. Hoşça bakın zatınıza..


Hasan Özalp, Lisans eğitiminden sonra Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri bölümü İslam Felsefesi Anabilim dalında “Farabî ve İbn Sînâ Düşüncesinde Mead”  başlıklı tez ile yüksek lisansını tamamladı. İstanbul Üniversitesi Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri bölümünde “Din-Bilim İlişkisinde Uzlaşmacı Yaklaşımlar” adlı tez ile Din Felsefesi alanında doktorasını savundu. 2016 yılında doçent, 2021 yılında profesör oldu. Özalp’in, yayınlanmış kitapları, kitap bölümü yazarlıkları ve yayınlanmış uluslararası ve ulusal makaleleri ve bildirileri bulunmaktadır. Din ve bilim ilişkisi, İslam bilim tarihi ve felsefesi, küreselleşme ve ahlak, internet bağımlılığı ve sosyal medya ahlakı, bir arada yaşama kültürü, inanç ve toplumsal barış gibi konularla ilgilenmektedir. Yayınlanmış çalışmalarından bazıları şunlardır: Batı Düşüncesinde Tanrı ve Tasarım: Bilimsel Felsefi ve Teolojik Bir Yaklaşım, (Otto yay., Ankara. 2015),  Din ve Bilim Uzlaşması: Klasik ve Modern, (Otto Yay., Ankara. 2015), İslam Felsefesi Tarihi, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi yay., 2014, Farabi ve İbn Sina Düşüncesinde Ruh ve Ölüm Ötesi, (İlahiyat yay. Ankara. 2014). İslam Felsefesinin 100’ü (Otto yay., Ankara. 2017), İslam Felsefesinin 200’ü (Otto yay., Ankara. 2017), İslam Felsefesinin 300'ü (Sonçağ yay. Ankara. 2020).

Research Interests

Akıl vahiy ilişkileri, Tanrı alem ilişkisi,
Kozmoloji, yaratılış ve evrim.
İslam siyaset düşüncesi, çevre ve ahlak, sosyal medya ve ahlak

Courses Taught


Prof. Mehmet EVKURAN
Prof. Mehmet EVKURAN


1967’de Ankara’da doğdu. İlk, orta ve lise öğrenimini Ankara’da tamamladı. Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği bölümlerinde birer yıl devam ettikten sonra, 1986 yılında girdiği Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi’nden 1991 yılında mezun oldu. Yaklaşık 9 yıl Milli Eğitim Bakanlığında öğretmen olarak çalıştıktan sonra, 2000 yılında o zamanki adıyla Gazi Üniversitesi Çorum İlahiyat Fakültesi Kelam Anabilim Dalı’na araştırma görevlisi olarak atandı. Aynı Anabilim Dalında 2003 yılında doktor, 2006 yılında doçent unvanı aldı. 26 Ocak 2012’de ise profesör kadrosuna atandı. Halen Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler İlahiyat Fakültesi Kelam Anabilim Dalı’nda öğretim üyesi olarak çalışmalarına devam etmektedir. Alanında yayınlanmış kitapları, makaleleri, sempozyum ve konferanslarda sunulmuş bildirileri bulunmaktadır. Yayınlanan kitapları arasında Sünni Paradigmayı Anlamak, Sosyal Bilimler Mantığı ve Kelam, Siyasal Kültür ve Kimlik, Ahlak Hakikat Kimlik-İslam Kelamında Ahlak Problemi, Çağdaş Sorunlar ve Kelâm, İslam Kelâmında Zihniyetler, Ebu Hanife-Doğruyu Arayanları Önderi adlı eserleri sayılabilir.

Sivil toplum çalışmalarını da yürüten Evkuran evli ve iki çocuk babasıdır.

Research Interests
  • İslam Kelam Ekolleri
  • Kelam'da Varlık ve Değer Tasavvurları
  • Ehl-i Sünnet'in Oluşumu, Yapısı ve Güncel Durum
  • Matüridilik, Eşarîlik ve Selefîlik: Karşılaştırmalı Okumalar
  • Dinî Düşüncede Yenilenme Alanları
  • Toplumsal Değişim, Değerler ve Dinsel Zihniyetler

Courses Taught






























Arş. Gör. Emrullah ASTAN
Res. Asst. Emrullah ASTAN

Tahkik İslami İlimler Araştırma ve Neşir Dergisi Alan Editörü (Tasavvuf)

"Bir ilmi öğrenen, ince detaylarına kadar öğrensin." [İmam Şafii]

Tasavvuf Tarihi alanında çalışmaktadır.

Muhyiddin İbnü'l-Arabî ve Fikirlerini araştırmaktadır.

Yazma Eserler alanında kendisini geliştirmektedir.


Emrullah Astan, (Arş. Gör.), Lisans eğitimini Gaziantep Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesinden (2019), Yüksek Lisans Eğitimini “Sultan Memdûh Tı̇llovı̂'nı̇n Mahzenu'l-Esrâr Adlı Eserindeki Vahdet-i Vücûd Etkileri” başlıklı teziyle Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsünden (2021) almıştır. 2021 yılında başladığı Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi’ne bağlı İslami Araştırmalar Enstitüsünde Temel İslam Bilimleri (Tasavvuf) Anabilim Dalı’nda Doktora Öğrenimine devam etmektedir.

Research Interests

Tasavvuf Tarihi

İlmi Disiplinler içerisinde tasavvufun konumu

Muhyiddin İbnü'l-Arabî

Vahdet Felsefesi

Yazma Eserlerin Tahkiki ve Transkripsyonu

Courses Taught


Lect. Abdülaziz ŞEKER
Lect. Abdülaziz ŞEKER


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet ALICI
Prof. Mehmet ALICI
آن کس که نداند و نداند که نداند, در جهل مرکب ابدالدهر بماند. To the awareness of my ignorance...


Mehmet Alici,
He graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Theology in 2002. He was appointed to the same faculty as a Research Assistant at the end of 2002. He received his master's degree in 2005 and doctorate degree in 2012 at Istanbul University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences. In the 2010-2011 academic year, he studied as a visiting researcher at the University of California, Irvine, S. M. Jordan Center for Persian Studies in the USA to conduct research on his doctoral thesis. In the 2016-2017 academic year, he worked as a visiting researcher at Iranian Studies, Concordia University in Canada for a post-doctoral research project. He worked at Istanbul University (2002-2013) and Mardin Artuklu University (2013-2023). He has been working at Ankara Social Sciences University since April 2023. Working on ancient Iranian religious traditions before Islam, especially Zoroastrianism and Manichaeism, Alici's doctoral thesis was published in a book titled Religion in Ancient Iran: The Magi Understanding of God from Monotheism to Dualism (Moonlight, 2012/MilelNihal 2021). His research on Manichaeism, which is a Gnostic tradition, has been published under the name Mani the Messenger of Light and his Gnostic Thought (DivanBook, 2018). Continuing his research on the encounters in the Iranian geography during the Islamization process, Alici is also interested in subjects such as gnostic traditions, Jahiliyya period, mythology and the thought of israq.

Research Interests

Ancient Iranian Religions: Zoroastrianism and Manichaeism, in special.

The Religion-Politics Relations in Ancient Iran.

Gnostic Tradition.

Jahiliyyah Period in Arabian Peninsula.

The Interaction Ishraq Thought an Ancient Iranian Traditions.


Courses Taught

Ancient Iranian Religions

Gnostic Traditions

Introduction to Mythology

Introduction to History of Religions


Assoc. Prof.  Mahmud Esad ERKAYA
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmud Esad ERKAYA


He was born in 1985 in Ankara. He graduated from Sincan Imam Hatip High School in 2002 and from Ankara University Faculty of Theology in 2006. She completed her MA in 2009. In 2007, he worked as an imam-hatip for a while. Later, between 2007 and 2012, he continued his work within the scope of the Islam with Hadith Project of the Presidency of Religious Affairs. In 2012, he was appointed as a research assistant to Çukurova University, Faculty of Theology, Department of Sufism. In 2014, he was a visiting researcher in Jordan for seven months. He completed his doctoral studies in 2015. He worked at Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, Faculty of Islamic Sciences in 2018-2023. The author, who received the title of associate professor in 2019, has published books titled Hacı Bayram-ı Velî, Halvet as a Method of Spiritual Education, Sufism and Life, Stories of the Prophet and the Reasons of Hanafi Faqihs to Decide on Weak Hadith (al-Hidaye Example) and has articles in various academic journals. He is a faculty member in the Department of Sufism, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, University of Social Sciences.

Research Interests



Courses Taught



Kur'an Kaynaklı Tasavvuf Kavramları



Manevi Eğitim Metodu Olarak Halvet



Tasavvuf ve Hayat



Hacı Bayram Veli



Peygamber Kıssaları



Hanefi Fakihlerin Zayıf Hadisle Hüküm Verme Gerekçeleri
































Res. Asst. Muhsin DÜĞEROĞLU


Research Interests

Courses Taught


"Târihu'l-Hulefâ Dersleri"

Assist. Prof. Dr. Hasan SÖZEN


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Lect. Dr. Süheyla NURDUHAN
Lect. Dr. Süheyla NURDUHAN

Ahmesîlik ve Seyyid Kutub ilgili çalışmalarıyla  tanınan bir akademisyen.

Dünya hayatı Allah'ın rızasını kazanmadıkça herkesin kaybettiği bir yarıştır.

Ahmesîlik konusu uzmanlık alanıdır.

Seyyid Kutub ve Fî Zılâl'il Kur'an tefsiri konusunda araştırmaları bulunmaktadır.



Research Interests


Courses Taught


Officer Gökçen TAŞKIN


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Prof. Ahmed ÜRKMEZ
Prof. Ahmed ÜRKMEZ


He was born in 1977 in Ankara. He completed his primary education (1988), his “al-hıfz” process (1991) and his Imam Hatip education (1994) in Konya. He received his Bachelor of Science (1998) education at Selcuk University Faculty of Theology, and Master's (2000) and Doctorate (2007) education at Selcuk University Social Sciences Institute, Department of Hadith. In 1999, he conducted research on his field in Amman for ten months. He worked as a teacher and administrator in schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education in Mersin and Konya between 2001-2011. He worked as a member of the Department of Hadith at Malatya Faculty of Theology (2011-2014) and at Kırıkkale University Faculty of Islamic Sciences (2014-2017). Between 2017-2022, he continued his academic career with the title of Associate Professor at Pamukkale University Faculty of Theology Department of Hadith. Ürkmez, who is part of Ankara Social Sciences University as of 2022, speaks Arabic (96) and English (74). He is married and has three children.

Research Interests

Moral Hadith

Sunnah-Mentality Relationship

Relationship between Hadith and Social Sciences

Critical Edition Methods and Literature

Ottoman Period Hadith Studies

Systematics of Basic Hadith Sources

Courses Taught

Hadith Texts II (Arabic) (Undergraduate)

Hadith Sciences and Methodology II (Master's)

Methods of Hadith Criticism (PhD)


Lect. Dr. Muhammed BABACAN
Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhammed BABACAN


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Res. Asst. Sema İNCEKÖSE (35. Article)


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatih İPEK


He graduated from Ankara Theology Faculty in 2004. Until 2015, he worked as a teacher and administrator in the Ministry of National Education. Between 2015-2021, he worked as a Research Assistant at Giresun and Necmettin Erbakan Universities. She completed her doctorate at Necmettin Erbakan University in 2021. In 2022, he started working as a  Faculty Member at the Social Sciences University of Ankara, Faculty of Islamic Sciences.
In 2022, He started working as a  Faculty Member at the Social Sciences University of Ankara, Faculty of Islamic Sciences

Research Interests

Islamic education tradition, higher religious education, teacher training, educational philosophy

Courses Taught

Bachelors degree :

Introduction to Education

Teaching Principles and Methods

Classroom Management

Special teaching methods

Measurement and Evaluation in Education

Instructional Technologies


Preschool Religious Education and Its Problems

Intergenerational Religious Education


Prof. Atik AYDIN


Research Interests

Courses Taught


   Arap Edebiyatında Keşkul Geleneği   Taberi'nin Kur'an'ı Anlama Yöntemi    Ebced Arapça Öğretim Seti1   Ebced Arapça Öğretim Seti 2Ebced Arapça Öğretim Seti 3Ebced Arapça Öğretim Seti 4

Res. Asst. Rabia KOÇATAŞ
Res. Asst. Rabia KOCATAŞ


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şevket ÖZCAN

He has studies on the Phenomenology of Religion and Methodology of History of Religions.

Turkey Association for the History of Religions (TAHR) Board Member

"Wisdom comes from knowing wisdom. Wisdom means knowing oneself."

Phenomenology of religion is his area of expertise.

He has studies on the value of human beings attributed by religions.

He researches on The Approaches and Methodologies of Phenomenology of Religions.

He examines Evangelical Christianity.

He studies the Perception of Islam in the History of Religion Literature.


Şevket Özcan (Doc. Dr) was born in Ankara (1982). He garaguated from Camlıca Imam Hatip High School (1999) and Gazi University Corum Faculty of Theology (2003). He received his master (2013) and PhD (2016) degrees in the department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Ankara University, Social Sciences Institute. He worked at various jobs at Ministry of National Education and Directorate of Religious Affairs (2003-2016). He carried out his academic studies at Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Islamic Studies (2016-2022). He has been to Germany, France, Portugal and Saudi Arabia with the purpose of education, research, meeting and work. He joined Social Sciences University of Ankara, Faculty of Islamic Studies, in February 2022.

Studying on the topics of Methodology of History of Religions and Phenomenology of Religion, Şevket ÖZCAN has books named “The Value of Human Beings Attributed by Religions: The Example of Judaism, Christianity and Islam”, “Understanding the Religious Experience: Ninian Smart and Phenomonology of Religion”, and “Evangelism‘s Benevolent Face, the Salvation Army Movement: A Dimensional Examination”. 

Research Interests

Phenomenology of Religion, Methodology of History of Religions, Evangelic Christianity, Islam in History of Religions

Courses Taught


Prof. Hüseyin KARAMAN
Prof. Hüseyin KARAMAN


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Dr. Lecturer Rümeysa Nur DOĞAN
Assist. Prof. Dr. Rümeysa Nur DOĞAN


Dr. Rumeysa Nur Gurbuz-Dogan received her bachelor’s in theology at Ankara University in 2013 and then completed her MA at Durham University, the UK, in 2016, under the program of ‘Spirituality, Theology and Health’. She has developed and evaluated the Sufi music therapy intervention manual and its effects on common mental health disorders during her PhD studies at UCL, Division of Psychiatry and has been awarded the PhD degree in 2021. Her main research interests are spirituality, psychology of religion/spirituality, music therapy, applied clinical studies and mental health. She is now giving several classes for both undergraduate and postgraduate students including the psychology of religion, educational psychology, introduction to psychopathology, and interventions for the spiritual and mental crises. 


Research Interests


mental health

psychology of religion/spirituality

music therapy

applied clinical studies

Courses Taught

psychology of religion (UG)

educational psychology (UG)

introduction to psychopathology (PG)

interventions for the spiritual and mental crises (PG)



Res. Asst. Ahmet Zahid ÖZCAN

Journal of Atebe Islamic History and Arts Section Editor


Ahmet Zahid Özcan graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Divinity in 2019. In 2017, he studied at the Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology at Dunarea de Jos University of Galati in Romania, within the framework of the Erasmus program, for 5 months. He has been to England and Jordan for language learning. He joined Social Sciences University of Ankara in 2019. He continues his postgraduate studies in the field of Islamic History at Ankara University Social Sciences Institute, which he started in 2019. His study subjects include Andalusia History and Geography, Mediterranean History, Orientalism and Orientalists.

Research Interests
  • Islamic History
  • History of Andalusia
  • Mediterranean History
  • Orientalism and Orientalist Studies

Courses Taught


Res. Asst. Recep BAYYİĞİT
Res. Asst. Recep BAYYİĞİT
"Human is a social creature by nature." Ibn Khaldun


Recep Bayyiğit, completed his undergraduate education at Istanbul University Faculty of Theology between 2013-2018. In 2018, he started his master's degree at Istanbul University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences / Sociology of Religion. After he started to work as a research assistant at Social Sciences University of Ankara, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, he tranferred to the same program ASBU Institute for Islamic Studies. He graduated from his master's degree in 2021 with his thesis titled "Historical Aspects of Islamophobia". Continuning his studies on Islamophobia, Islam and Politics, Religious Identities, Orientalism, Bayyiğit continues PhD education at ASBU Institute for Islamic Studies, Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences / Sociology of Religion.










Research Interests

Islamophobia, Islam and Politics, Religious Identities, Orientalism

Courses Taught


Dr. Res. Asst. Burak ÇIKIRYEL
Res. Asst. Burak CIKIRYEL

Dr. Burak ÇIKIRYEL specializes in economics, finance, Islamic economics and Islamic finance.



Other Activities

  • Editor (Journal of Islamic Economics)
  • Asma Köprü International Student Association (Board Member) 
  • Ahi Hayat Business and Development Cooperative (Board Member) 
  • İslam İktisadı Araştırma ve Uygulama Derneği (İKSAR) (Board Member) 
“Are those who know and those who do not know ever equal?" (Az-Zumar - Verse 9)


Research Interests



Burak Çıkıryel is a Dr. Research Assistant at the Social Sciences University of Ankara in the Department of Islamic Economics and Finance. He graduated from Uludağ University, Department of Economics, in 2013. He completed his Master in Islamic Finance from International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF) in 2017 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He completed his PhD at Sakarya Univesity, Department of Islamic Economics and Finance. He is the Co-Editor of the “Journal of Islamic Economics.” He has conducted numerous academic projects, publications, and conferences in the areas of his research interests, including macroeconomic policy, banking, and finance aspects under the domain of Islamic economics. While he is conducting research in the field of Islamic economics and finance, he also works voluntarily with many NGOs outside academia. Burak, who is also interested in the market conditions and financial centers of the countries, had the opportunity to see and examine the market conditions and financial centers of nearly thirty countries on-site. These experiences provided him with a broad perspective for his work in the field of Islamic economics and finance.




  • Book Editor, ÇIKIRYEL, B., AZRAK, T. (2023) "The Islamic Finance Industry: Issues and Challenges", London/İngiltere : Taylor and Francis Group (Routledge UK)
  • Book Chapter, ÇIKIRYEL, B. (2023) "Issues and Practical Solutions of Shariah Governance in Islamic Financial Institutions", Kitap: The Islamic Finance Industry: Issues and Challenges, London/İngiltere : Taylor and Francis Group (Routledge UK)
  • Article entitled “Impact of Brexit on Islamic Stock Markets Employing MGARCH-DCC and Wavelet Correlation Analysis” authored by Burak CIKIRYEL, Mücahit OZDEMIR and Hakan ASLAN published in International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, SSCI (2021).
  • Book chapter entitled as “Solutions to the Economic Problems Encountered during the Pandemic Period from the Perspective of Islamic Economics” in the book of “Islamic Law of Worship, Financial Transactions and Economics in the time of Pandemic” (2021).
  • Translation of book entitled “Financial Innovation and Engineering in Islamic Finance”, from English to Turkish (İslami Finansta Finansal İnovasyon ve Mühendislik, Albaraka Yayınları, 2019-2020).
  • Article entitled “Investor Portfolio Choice: Factor of Risk Elasticity” was presented in the “Islamic Finance, Risk-Sharing and Macroeconomic Stability: Issues and Challenges” conference organized by Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI)  and it was published as conference proceedings (2018).
  • Book chapter “The Role of Blockchain Technology in the Evolution of Money” in the book entitled “Cryptocurrencies” (2018).




  • Domestic Projects received from “Participation Banks Association of Turkey” on the title of “Books on Basic Concepts and Online Dictionary for Islamic Economics and Finance (English-Turkish/Turkish-English)” (Researcher, 2021)
  • Domestic Projects received from “Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK-1001)” on the title of “Islamic Law of Worship, Financial Transactions and Economics in the time of Pandemic” (Researcher - 2021).
  • International Projects granted from “The Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC)” on the title of “Improving Shariah Governance Framework in Islamic Finance" (Researcher - 2020).

Courses Taught


Muhammed Abdullah HAKSEVER
Res. Asst. M. Abdullah HAKSEVER HAKSEVER


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Res. Asst. Rümeysa ERGİN
Res. Asst. Rümeysa ERGİN


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Assist. Prof. Dr. Halil ŞİMŞEK


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Res. Asst. Rabia Gülşah BİRİNCİ
Res. Asst. Rabia Gülşah BİRİNCİ

An academician trying to specialize in the History of Islamic Sects, Bāṭiniyya and  Ismāʿīliyya


Rabia Gülşah BİRİNCİ, graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology in English in 2018. She started her master degree at Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences. At the beginning of January 2022, she completed her master's degree, which she started in 2018 in the field of History of Islamic Sects, with her thesis titled "Ismâilîsm and its Classification in the Asharî Maqâlât Tradition". Currently, she is continuing his doctorate education at Social Sciences University of Ankara, Institute of Islamic Studies. She started to work as a research assistant at Social Sciences University of Ankara,  Faculty of Islamic Studies as of February 2021.


Research Interests
  • Religious groups
  • Islamic Sects
  • Bāṭinism
  • Ismāʿīlism
  • Qarmaṭīsm
  • Asharî Mâqâlat Tradition

Courses Taught



"  "


"  "




Prof. Selçuk COŞKUN
Prof. Selçuk COŞKUN


Research Interests

Courses Taught



hadis ve hayat




diyanet tv



ramazan divanı




abidin paşa

















sempozyum diyanet


din ve medya





































Assist. Prof. Dr. Sakin ÖZIŞIK


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhammet ÇELİK
Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhammet ÇELİK

Dr. Muhammet Çelik is a scholar who studies the classic logic, the modal logic (especially Avicennian modal syllogism), the theory of the syllogism, and ādāb al-baḥth wa al-munāẓara (the Islamic disputation theory).

Vise-Head of Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

Head of Logic Sub-Department

Logic Section Editor of Journal of Eskiyeni

Coordinator of University Orientation Program at Ankara University, Faculty of Divinity (2016-2019)

Classical Logic

the Philosophy of  Logic and Its Problems

Avicennian and Post-Avicennian Modal Logic

the Theory of Dialectic: ʿIlm al-Khilāf and ʿIlm al-Naẓar

the Theory of Ādāb al-Baḥth wa al-Munāẓara (the Islamic Disputation Theory)


Muhammet Çelik is Assist. Prof. Dr. of Logic at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at the Faculty of Religious Studies at the Social Sciences University of Ankara. Dr. Çelik graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Divinity (2011). He holds a MA (2014) in Classical Arabic Logic and Philosophy and Ph.D. (2020) in Classical Arabic Logic and Philosophy from Ankara University. Dr. Çelik worked as a research fellow at Ankara University (2013-2020).

Research Interests

Classical Logic, the Philosophy of  Logic and Its Problems, Avicennian and Post-Avicennian Modal Logic, ʿIlm al-Khilāf and ʿIlm al-Naẓar, the Theory of Ādāb al-Baḥth wa al-Munāẓara (the Islamic Disputation Theory)

Courses Taught


Assist. Prof. Dr. Ersin DURMUŞ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ersin DURMUŞ

Academician working in the fields of Islamic Turkish Literature, Classical Turkish Literature and Ottoman Turkish

Head of Turkish-Islamic Literature Department


He graduated from Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Department of Turkish Language and Literature in 2007. He completed his master's degree with non-thesis (2008) at the same university, Faculty of Education, Department of Turkish Language and Literature Teaching. He completed his master's degree (2014) in Sakarya University, Department of Turkish Language and Literature, with a thesis on the sharh of the words of the four caliphs. He received his doctorate (2018) degree from Istanbul Medeniyet University, Department of Turkish Language and Literature, working on Molla Câmî's Bahâristân. DURMUŞ, who has also worked as a teacher, researcher, coordinator and expert in public institutions, is married and has four children.

Research Interests

Ottoman period commentary texts and text commentary

Prose texts in classical Turkish literature

Classical Turkish poetry

Text publication

Linguistics and lexicology

Courses Taught

Osmanlıca İLH209

Türk İslam Edebiyatı İLH212

Türk Dili I TRE101

Türk Dili I TURK101

Türk Dili II TRE102

Türk Dili II TURK102


Prof. Hayri KAPLAN
Prof. Hayri KAPLAN


Research Interests

Courses Taught


TAHRİF VE TASHİH: Ahi Evran, Mevlana ve Şemsi Tebrizi Hakkındaki İddialara Reddiye

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmut SAMAR
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmut SAMAR


Research Interests

Courses Taught


İslami Finans ve FintechKapak sayfası

İslami İlimlerin Teşekkülü


,Akitlerde Şart Hürriyeti       salgın fıkhı           kitap 4


      fıkıh meclisi

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Kaya
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep KAYA

She has performed studies on belief and religious education as well as religious education policies.

Head of the Department of Religious Education

Theology Accrediting Agency Member

She carries on with her studies in the field of History of Religious Education.

She examines the relationship between belief development and religious education.

She makes research on the issues that arise during the Education-Modernisation relationship process.

Her academic interests include the title of Youth and Religious Education.

She studies parent-child-adolescent relationships within the context of religious education in the family.


She graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Theology in 2001. She did a Master’s Degree in 2006 in the Department of Religious Education at the same university with her thesis titled “Religious Education-Training Secularism Debates (1945-1960)”. In 2014, she completed her doctorate with her thesis study under the title of “A Research and Assessment on Belief Development Theory with regard to Religious Education”. Her doctorate study has been published into a book called “Belief Development and Religious Education in Turkish Society”. She participated in research projects under the roof of Ensar Foundation and Values Education Centre and conducted workshops between the years 2004 and 2017. She worked as a religious vocational high school teacher in İstanbul from 2003 till 2017. In year 2017, she was appointed as an academic member to the Department of Religious Education in the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at Kütahya Dumlupınar University. Finally in 2018, she joined Social Sciences University of Ankara.

Research Interests

Education Policies, Adult Education, Belief Development, History of Religious Education, Religious Education in the Family.

Courses Taught

İİF 271   The Scıence of Educatıon

İİF 273   Instructıonal Prıncıples and Methods

FDB569  Education and Teaching in İslam

FDB560  Religious Education in the Republican Period

FDB562  Comparative Religious Education

FDB759 Religious Developmet and Religious Education



inanç gelişimi kapak sayfası         ""      ..      ..

Prof. Israr AHMED KHAN
Prof. Israr AHMED KHAN

An academican who is known with his works on Quranic Exegesis.

I love critical and rational approach to all the academic and intellectual issues, including Islamic ones.

  • Qur'an and Quranic Studies are his basic ares to study.
  • He has some studies and works on Hadith Literature.


Israr Ahmad Khan (Prof. Dr.) graduated from three master program from Delhi University which are arts, education and theology, received his two MA degree from Aligarh Muslim University on the departments of Islamic Studies and Philosophy and also his PhD (1990) from same University in India. Between 1991-2017 he worked as a professor in International Islamic University Malasia and between the years of 2017-2018, he worked in Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf University. He joined the Social Sciences University of Ankara in 2019.

Research Interests

Qur'an, Quranic Exegesis, Quranic Studies and Naskh.

Courses Taught


p3    book 1    book 3    book 2    p 4   p 6


p 8    p9    p0    asd


Assist. Prof. Dr. Mahmut DİLBAZ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Mahmut DİLBAZ


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Assist. Prof. Dr. Hicret K. TOPRAK
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hicret K. TOPRAK

An academic known for his work on religious institutionalization, modernization and religious movements

Academic staff of the Department of Sociology of Religion

Even if you know that the Day of Judgment will come tomorrow, plant the sapling in your hand today! [Bukhari, Edeb al-Mufred]

She has published on religious institutionalization in Turkey, especially on the Presidency of Religious Affairs.

She continues her research on the sociology of religious movements as a form of objection and protest in the modern world.

She teaches courses in women's studies and sociology of the family.



Hicret K. Toprak was born in Ankara in 1980. She graduated from Tevfik İleri Anatolian Imam Hatip High School in 1999 and Ankara University Faculty of Theology in 2003. In 2008, she completed her master's degree at Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences. In 2017, he completed his doctoral study on the establishment period of the Presidency of Religious Affairs (1924-1950) in the same department. Between 2004-2018, he worked at various levels of the Presidency of Religious Affairs and Turkey Religious Foundation. Between 2011-2018, she worked as the Director of TDV KAGEM (Women, Family and Youth Center). In 2019, Toprak joined Ankara Social Sciences University, she is married and has two children.

Research Interests

Religion and Modernization

Religious Institutionalization

Turkish Modernization 

Religious Warning and Protest Movements

Family Sociology

Courses Taught

Sociology of Religion (Undergraduate)

Religion and Modernization (MA)

Contemporary Sociological Theories (MA)

Sociology of Family (Master's Degree)

Religion and Family (Master's Degree)

Religion, State and Society in Modern Turkey (PhD)

Religious Warning and Protest Movements (PhD)






Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halid ÜVEYSİ
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khalid EL-AWAİSİ

Islamicjerusalem / Beytülmakdis Araştırmaları alanında önde gelen akademisyenlerden biri.


İslam Tarihine olan akademik ilgim, Müslüman ve Batı Dünyaları arasında yaşamak ve geçmiş ile günümüzde aralarındaki etkileşimleri ve etkileri görmekle kibarlaştırıldı. Daha geniş resmi incelemenin ve anlamanın yanı sıra, ilgimi Müslüman Dünyası, Kutsal Topraklar (Islamicjerusalem) 'daki en tartışmalı ve savaşan alanlardan birine odakladım. Böylece İslam tarihi ve Müslümanlar ve Kutsal Topraklar tarihi üzerine halka açık dersler araştırıp öğretebildim. Bu faaliyetler yoluyla üretken bir akademisyen olmaya ve öğrenciler, akademik dünya ve halk üzerinde olumlu bir etkiye sahip olmaya çalışıyorum. İngiltere'de ve şimdi Türkiye'de bir dizi lisansüstü programda ders verdim ve Modern “Orta Doğu” da erken İslam ve çağdaş düşünce alanlarında bir dizi doktora öğrencisini denetledim ve inceledim. Bu konulara olan tutkum beni bölgeye geri getirdi ve 2011'den bu yana İngiltere'den Türkiye'ye bu bölgelerin kültürünü daha fazla öğrenerek yeni bir dile kavuştum. Şu anda birçoğu erken Müslümanlık Tarihi etrafında ve özellikle deBeytülmakdis / Quds Studies üzerine yüksek lisans programları .


Halid El-Awaisi, İslamcı Kudüs Araştırmaları'nın öncü alanından mezun oldu, doktorasını Aberdeen Üniversitesi'nden aldı (2006) ve yüksek lisansını aynı zamanda Abertay Üniversitesi'nden (2003) aldı. Başlıca uzmanlığı Beytülmakdis / Islamicjerusalem'in tarihsel coğrafyası ve Kuran'ın coğrafi yorumlarındadır. O bir çığır açan monografi yayınladı: Haritalama Islamicjerusalem: Coğrafi Sınırlarının bir Keşfi o Islamicjerusalem ve diğer dini / manevi varlıklar etrafında, yani coğrafi kapsamlarını ortaya çıkarmak başardı ettiği (2007) Kutsal Topraklar ve Barakah Diyarı . Bu çalışma İngiltere İslami Araştırma Akademisi tarafından ödüllendirildi. Kitabı düzenlediIslamicjerusalem'in Coğrafi Boyutları (Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2008). Konuyla ilgili çok sayıda makalesi var ve Mescid-i Aksa ve Bayt el-Makdiler ve bunların dünyadaki İslam'daki önemi üzerine sayısız ders verdi. 

Birçok Türk ve İngiliz Üniversitesinde ders verdi ve Islamicjerusalem Araştırmaları Merkezi (2007-2011) müdürü olarak atandı. Ayrıca İngiltere ve Türkiye'de Modern “Orta Doğu” da erken İslam, İslami Kudüs Araştırmaları ve çağdaş düşünce alanlarında bir dizi doktora ve yüksek lisans öğrencisini denetledi ve inceledi. Halen Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi İslam Tarihi Bölümü'nde Yardımcı Doçent olarak görev yapmakta ve Beytülmakdis / Quds Studies üzerine yüksek lisans programları vermektedir. 

Research Interests
  • Erken Müslüman Tarihi
  • İslami Kudüs Araştırmaları
  • Kur'ân ve Hadis Çalışmaları
  • İslam ve Müslümanların İncelenmesi
  • Kuran Coğrafyaları 
  • Sirah (Hz. Muhammed'in Biyografisi)
  • Kutsal Toprakların Tarihi Coğrafyası
  • Arapça Yazıları Düzenleme

Courses Taught
  • Beytülmakdis Kur'an-ı Kerim ve Hadis Perspektifleri (Tezli Yüksek Lisans)
  • Erken Müslüman Döneminde Beytülmakdis'in Tarihi (Tezli Yüksek Lisans)


Assist. Prof. Dr. İsmail AKKOYUNLU
Assist. Prof. Dr. İsmail AKKOYUNLU


Research Interests

Courses Taught




İbn Teymiyye'nin Şia'ya Reddiyesi


























İbn Teymiyye ve Selefilik

Günümüzde Ahlaki Yozlaşma

Ebu Hanife


Mezhepler Tarihine Giriş                     İslam Mezhepleri Tarihi El Kitabı

Prof. Ali Osman KURT
Prof. Ali Osman KURT

An academician who is known for his early and modern era Jewish Studies.

  • Dean of the Faculty of Religious Studies (ASBU)
  • ASBU Scientific Publication Ethics Committee Member
  • Head of the Department of History of Religions
  • Writers Union of Turkey (TYB) Board Member
  • Turkey Association for the History of Religions (TUDTAD) Board Member
["Be a scholar, a teacher, a listener, or one who loves them. Do not be in a fifth category and thereby be ruined." Prophet Muhammad]

  • Early and modern era Jewish history is his area of expertise.
  • He has worked on the 'Hasidic' and 'Mitnagdic' movements which are the origin of the Jewish fundamentalist movements.
  • He explores the belief of 'kosher' in Judaism and its economic aspect.
  • He examines the phenomenon of apostasy in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
  • He is one of the authors of the book taught at the Imam Hatip High Schools titled 'History of Religions' approved by the Board of Education.


Ali Osman Kurt (Prof. Dr.) graduated (1995) from Marmara University Faculty of Theology, received his MA degree (2000) from Cumhuriyet University and his PhD (2006) from Ankara University. Between 1996-1999 he worked as a teacher in various schools of the Ministry of Education. Between the years of 2013-2015, he conducted his academic studies in the Faculty of Islamic Studies of Yıldırım Beyazıt University. He joined the Social Sciences University of Ankara in October 2015.

Ali Osman Kurt, who works on early and modern era Jewish history, has the following publications in the field of History of Religions: "Apostasy in Judaism, Christianity and Islam", "Early Jewish History: Ezra The Architect of Judaism", "Fundamentalist Jews", and "Three Prophets of Three Religions From The Pen of A Jewish Philosopher" (translation).

Research Interests

Early and modern era Jewish studies, Babylonian exile, fundamentalist Jews, apostasy.

Courses Taught
  • FDB729 History and Theology of Judaism (Doctorate)
  • FDB731 History and Theology of Christianity (Doctorate)
  • FDB733 Religion and Mythology (Doctorate)
  • FDB730 New Religious Movements (Doctorate)
  • FDB539 Methodology of the History of Religions (Master)
  • FDB541 Eastern Religions (Master)
  • FDB538 Introduction to Judaism (Master)
  • FDB540 Introduction to Christianity (Master)
  • ASIA561 Comparative History of Religions in Asia (Master)
  • DIN313 History of Religions I (Bachelor)
  • DIN310 History of Religions II (Bachelor)


resim2        fundamentalist yahudiler     dinler tarihi    



Prof. Ali AVCU
Prof. Ali AVCU


Research Interests

Courses Taught


"İsmaililik Kitap Kapak Resmi"

Fakülte Sekreteri Dursun YARARSOY


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Assist. Prof. Dr. Adnan Abdalla Mohammad Oweida
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adnan Abdalla Mohammad Oweida



Academic Background:

 Ph.D.  Yarmouk University (Jordan), Irbid city, Economy and Islamic Banking, 2006.  M.D.   Yarmouk University (Jordan), Irbid city, Islamic Economy, 1999.  B.A.   Jordan University (Jordan) Amman, Islamic studies- sharia, 1987. 

 Refereed Articles:

- Indexing Scopus Refereed Journal, Oweida, A. (publication, 2015).  Guidance of Quality Assurance for Islamic Banking- ARABIC” (November 2015) by Islamic Economy Research Journal, King Abdel Aziz University, Vol 28. No3. MD: 724928. Pages 159-182 Oweida, A. 

 -The (Risk Theory in Islamic economy Theoretical and Implementation study) in Arabic. Herndon, Virginia, USA:  International Institute of Islamic Thought. Oweida, A.

- The Rolls of Islamic banking for financing entrepreneurs with venture capital, Bait- AlMashurah journal, the tenth issue-the first of April-2919, ISSN: 2410-6836 PRINT.

There are a lots of conferences participations, the latest one:

- ISEFE International Congress of Islamic Economy, Finance and Ethics- Istanbul.

 Academic Experience:

- Assistant Professor:

- ankara_sosyal_bilimler_universitesi), Islamic department of Basic Islamic Studies.

- Assistant Professor, IIWS- Zayed University (August 2015 – end of May 2018), Abu Dhobi, United Arab Emirates.

- Assistant Professor, Zarqa University (April 2010 - June 2015), Zarqa, Jordan.

-  UNITED NATIONS, Teaching Program\ UNRWA -Educational Development Center-wade- AL seer College (September 1995 - March 2010).

- Consulting. Education Expert, UNITED NATIONS, Teaching Program\ UNRWA -Jordan from 2008- 2010. Development of teacher ability to using multiple intelligent.


Research Interests

Courses Taught

Statement of My Teaching Philosophy:

My teaching philosophy underlines a number of basic principles which makes teaching a useful process and enriching experience for students, particularly on the undergraduate level.

On this level, First, I concentrate on necessity of class participation. Students are always asked to contribute to the discussion and to comment on the presentation I make. In some cases students make the presentation with my guidance and comments.

Second, I emphasize expanding the student curiosity about the subject of the course by making it relevant to their environment and life experience.

Third, I encourage group work and teamwork among my students to build a feeling of sharing knowledge and experience to them.

Fourth, I relate the subjects of the courses to ongoing events and the development of issues in politics, public life and the economy.

Based on these principles, I wish to be evaluated highly by my students. I get ready to help several of my students to be in important positions, whether in Academic community or in public life.

When I get the opportunity to teach on the graduate level, I care of the basic methods of social research and rely on student participation in both research and classroom discussions.

I support innovative ideas with stress on the relevance to the process of change in the region. I also realize the significance of giving effect to norms of equality and excellence in the society.



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cihan KILIÇ


Research Interests

Courses Taught



Prof. Metin ÖZDEMİR
Prof. Metin ÖZDEMİR

He is the first name that comes to mind about "the problem of evil" in the Departments of Kalam. 

Head Of The Department Of Basic Islamic Sciences

Head Of Kalam Department

Member Of The Faculty Board

Allah will punish those who do not use their minds. (Qur'an, Yunus 10/100)

  • Contemporary Kalam problems are the areas of expertise.
  • He has worked on problematic issues of the Islamic Theoloji, such as the problem of evil and human freedom.
  • His research focuses mostly on the critique of topics such as methodology, optimism, pessimism and fate.
  • He has a work on the defense of the Qur'an of Muʿtazila.


Metin ÖZDEMIR (Prof. Dr.), graduated from the Faculty of Theology of Ankara University in 1990 and started his master's program in the Department of Kalam-Islamic Philosophy of Social Sciences Institute of Ankara University in the same year. He completed his master's degree in 1994 in relation to “the Miraj of Prophet Muhammad”. He completed his doctorate in 1998 with a thesis titled “The problem of Evil in the Islamic Scholastic Theology”. In 1995, he was appointed as a research assistant to the Department of Basic Islamic Sciences in The Faculty of Divinity of Sivas Cumhuriyet University. In 1998 he became assistant professor and in 2004 associate professor. He became professor in 2009 (August 19). On 04.02.2013, he was transferred as a faculty member from the Cumhuriyet University to the Department of Kalam and History of Islamic Sects in the Faculty of Islamic Sciences of the Yıldırım Beyazıt University. Then, on 03/01/28, he was appointed as a faculty member to the Faculty of Religious Sciences of Ankara Social Sciences University. He is currently working as a faculty member in the same department. He has several books and articles on the problem of evil, human freedom, fate, and the defense of the Qur'an of Muʿtazila.

Research Interests
  • The problem of evil in Islamic Theology
  • Human freedom and fatalism
  • Contemporary Kalam problems
  • Defense of the Qur'an

Courses Taught

TIB742 Rational theology (Doctorate)

TIB713 Bsic Dynamics of Kalam Methodology (Doctorate)

Tib714 Classical Texts of Islamic Theology (Doctorate)

TIB513 The Methodology of Kalam and Its Resources (Post Graduate)

TIB515 Classical Kalam Texts-1 (Post Graduate)

TIB564 Contemporary Kalam Texts (Post Graduate)

TIB566 Kalam Schools (Post Graduate)





program 1 program 2 program 3 



program 4 program 5   program 6



program 7   program 8   program 9



program 10   program 11















Research Interests

Courses Taught


toplantı          İslam hukuku

Prof. Enver ARPA
Prof. Enver ARPA


Research Interests

Courses Taught


11        22      44 


5     7     9  


33        1        2   


Prof. Abdurrahman YAZICI
Prof. Abdurrahman YAZICI

Faculty Member, Faculty of Religious Studies 

Director, International Center for Islaimc Economics and Finance 


Research Interests

Islamic Economics, Islamic Finance, Takaful (Islamic Insurance); History and Thought of Islamic Economics, Islamic Inheritance Law 

Courses Taught

Introduction to Fiqh 

Takaful (Islamic Insurance) 

Islamic Economics and Participative Banking 

Research Techniques and Publication Ethics 






VMehmet Murat KARAKAYA
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Murat KARAKAYA


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Helal Gıda    Nefs ve Beden Bağlamında Kötülük   Ontolojik Açıdan Tanrı, Akıl ve Nefs   İslam ve Terakki   Kur'an'ın Anlaşılmasında Dil Problemi   

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Kılay ARAZ
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Kılay ARAZ

An academician with studies in the fields; Arabic Language and Literature, Arabic Teaching, Modern Algerian Literature (Story-Novel),
Consecutive translation, etc. 

An academician with studies in the fields;

Arabic Language and Literature, Arabic Teaching,

Modern Algerian Literature (Story-Novel), Consecutive translation, etc.

There is always something you can do and achieve, no matter how hard life looks. It just depends on you not giving up. (S. HAWKING)

An academician with studies in the fields;
Arabic Language and Literature, Arabic Teaching, Modern Algerian Literature (Story-Novel),
Consecutive translation, etc.


Mehmet Ali Kılay ARAZ (Associate Professor),
Bachelor's Degree; Ankara University, Faculty of Languages, History and Geography,
Department of Oriental Languages ​​and Literatures,
Department of Arabic Language and Literature (1999),
Master's degree; In the Department of Basic Islamic Sciences, Arabic Literature And Rhetoric (2003)
and Ph.D. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Arabic Language and Literature from Ankara University,
Social Sciences Institute. (2013)
After graduating from the related undergraduate program of Ankara University,
he worked as a teacher and administrator in many schools affiliated to Ministry of National Education (1999-2013).
From 2013 until 2014, he completed his doctoral studies at Afyon Kocatepe University.
From 2014 to 2018, he worked as a lecturer in Assist. Assoc. Dr.
Dr. Mehmet Ali Kılay ARAZ, who works as a faculty member, joined the Social Sciences University of Ankara in February 2018.
ARAZ, contributing to writing a large number of books in textbooks as a textbook in Ministry of National Education Publications,
has published articles in various scientific journals and presented papers in national and international symposiums.
He is married and has two children. He speaks Arabic, Persian and English.

Research Interests

Arabic Language and Literature, Linguistics, Arabic Teaching,
Modern Algerian Literature (Story-Novel), Consecutive Interpretation,
Literary and Technical Translation


Courses Taught


TIB 555 Arabic Advanced Grammar-1 (2018-2019 FALL) MASTER'S DEGREE

 TIB 557 Arabic Language and Rhetoric-1 (2018-2019 FALL) MASTER'S DEGREE

TIB 555 Arabic Advanced Grammar-2 (2018-2019 SPRING) MASTER'S DEGREE

 TIB 557 Arabic Language and Rhetoric-2 (2018-2019 SPRING) MASTER'S DEGREE


Hadiye Ünsal
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hadiye ÜNSAL

An academician who is known for her work on the history of the Qur'an, nuzûl order and the contents of the surahs of the Qur'an.



“For the more a man limits himself, the nearer he is on the other hand to what is limitless." (S. Zweig)

History of the Qur'an and its chronology are her area of expertise.

She has worked on adresses about Ahl al-Kitab (Christian and Jewish).

She continues to work on the general emphasis of the surahs in the Qur'an within the context of nuzûl-sirah relationship.

She examines on interpretations of the Qur'an in the late period Ottoman intellectuals.



Hadiye Ünsal (Asst. Prof.) graduated from Çukurova University Faculty of Theology (2007), received her MA degree (2010) and her Phd (2014) from Çukurova University. She worked as a faculty member in the Faculty of Theology in Çukurova University. Dr. Ünsal also worked as a research fellow in Goethe University in Frankfurt and joined  to the Social Sciences University of Ankara in February 2018. Dr. Ünsal is writer of Tefsirde Heterodoksi: Kâdiyânîlik ve Kur'an, Erken Dönem Mekkî Surelerin Tahlili and Kur'an Tarihi (with Mustafa Öztürk).

Research Interests

Courses Taught

TİB747    Texts of Classical Tafsir

TİB721    Relation of Sirah-Nuzûl

TİB722    History of Tafsir

TİB750    Matter of Methodology in the Translations of the Qur'an

TİB551    Texts of Ulum al-Qur'an in the Classical Period

TİB582    Tafsir Tradition in the Modern Period

TİB584    Contents of Surahs in the Qur'an  



kitap 1    kitap 2    kitap 3


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şuayip SEVEN
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şuayip SEVEN


Research Interests

Courses Taught



  Kitap I   Video I    Video II

Assist. Prof. Dr. Levent YAKUPOĞLU
Assist. Prof. Dr. Levent YAKUPOĞLU


Research Interests

Courses Taught



1    2    3    4   


sözlük    5     98     9


mmm    t




Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fayez Ahmad HERSH

Social Sciences University of Ankara, lecturer (Turkey)

University of Jordan, lecturer (Jordan)

University of Yarmouk, PhD (Jordan)

Higher Diploma in Management from University of Jordan


رأس الحكمة مخافة الله


He has PHD in Islamic economic and Islamic banking from Yarmouk University in Jordan, and he holds a higher diploma in management from university of Jordan. He was lecturer in University of Jordan at Islamic banking department. He is an expert Islamic Banking, Islamic Economy, Classical Economy and Islamic thought. He is Member of the International for Islamic Centre Economics and Finance.

Research Interests

Islamic economic and finance

İslamic Banking

Classical Economics

Public Finance


Fıqh Al Mouamalat

Islamic Studies


Courses Taught


Islamic Economics in Arabic Language 

İntroduction to Fiqh


Assist. Prof. Dr. Tawfik AZRAK
Assist. Prof. Dr. Tawfik AZRAK

Researcher and expert in Islamic Banking and Finance

Faculty Member, Faculty of Religious Studies.

Faculty Member, International Center for Islamic Economics and Finance 

"Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds"


Dr. Tawfik Azrak hold PhD in Islamic Banking and Finance from the Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance (International Islamic University Malaysia) and he works as assistant professor at Social Sciences University of Ankara (ASBU). Previous to this, he worked at the International Shari'ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA) for two years, and did a practical training in Shari’ah department at Asian Finance Bank. He has published several articles and research papers dealing with various issues related to the Islamic banking and finance, both in Arabic and English languages. He achieved his Master in Islamic Finance from The Global University of Islamic Finance (INCEIF) in 2013; where he got a scholarship from the Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI). During his Master’s study he worked as a research assistance at INCEIF. He got a bachelor degree from Damascus University in Economics in the year 2010.

Research Interests
  • Islamic Banking and Finance. 
  • Shariah Audit. 
  • Banking Disclosure.

Courses Taught
  • IEF 506 Islamic Financial Contracts
  • IEF 510 Research Methodology
  • IEF 509 Seminar 
  • IEF 532 Islamic Economics in Arabic 



Assist. Prof. Dr. Sevcan ÖZTÜRK
Assist. Prof. Dr. Sevcan ÖZTÜRK

Conducts research in comparative philosophy.

Examines philosophical issues of contemporary Islamic thought.

Philosophical anthropology and theological anthropology is among her research interests.




Sevcan Öztürk (Asst. Prof. Dr), obtained her BA degree (2007) from Marmara University, and MA (2009) and PhD (2014) degrees from the University of Manchester. Since March 2014, Dr. Öztürk has been working at the Faculty of Religious Studies of the Social Sciences University of Ankara. Her book entitled Becoming a Genuine Muslim: Kierkegaard and Muhammad Iqbal has been published by Routledge among the series of Routledge Studies in Islamic Philosophy edited by Oliver Leaman.



Research Interests

Comparative philosophical theology, philosophical and theological anthropology, contemporary Islamic thought


Courses Taught

the Arab World and the West (English)

Research Techniques (English)


Becoming a Genuine Muslim

Assist. Prof. Dr. Aykut Alper YILMAZ


I have completed my master's and doctoral studies in Ankara University in the field of Philosophy of Religion. The main question for which I sought the answer in my master's and doctoral studies was what is "the most fundamental" nature of a human being: Is it being a person? Is it being alive? Is it body, brain or spirit? etc. I also questioned the relationship between theistic beliefs and human nature. I researched what kind of assumptions theistic beliefs, which see man as a responsible being and attribute certain characteristics to him, make on the nature of man. Other than that, issues such as consciousness, free will and the basic issues of the philosophy of religion are among the subjects that I am interested in.

Research Interests

Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Mind, Personal Identity, Free Will.

Courses Taught


Üsküdar NP Beyin Hastanesi - Zuhurcu Düalizm Sunumu

Assist. Prof. Dr. İsa GÜCEYÜZ


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Res. Asst. Sümeyye Şehide CAN
Res. Asst. Sümeyye Şehide CAN


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Res. Asst. Murat KAYALIK

Murat Kayalik (Res. Assist.) received his undergraduate (2012) and graduate (2014) degrees from Ankara University.
In 2015, he started his doctorate program in the field of Tafsir at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University. 
Kayalik's academic interests are as follows; Quranic Sciences, classical Quranic exegesis, the ishârî/mystical tradition and Sufi hermeneutics.
He joined Social Sciences University of Ankara in May 2017.
Kayalik studied classical Madrasah Studies, Modern Standard Arabic and English during his undergraduate, graduate and doctorate education. 
He has also been to the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Egypt and Jordan for educational purposes and speaks Dutch, English, Arabic and German.

Research Interests

* Quranic Sciences

* Classical Quranic Exegesis

* The Ishârî/Mystical Tradition and Sufi Hermeneutics

Courses Taught


Res. Asst. Miray ÇETİN HALLAK


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Res. Asst. Meryem YILMAZ
Res. Asst. Meryem YILMAZ

She has studies in the field of Islamic Law History.


Meryem Yılmaz graduated from Istanbul 29 Mayıs University, International Faculty of Islamic and Religious Sciences in 2016. She received her master's degree from the same university in 2019. Yılmaz, who is in her doctoral thesis period, has some published articles.

Research Interests

Islamic Law, Islamic Law History, Islamic Criminal Law

Courses Taught


Res. Asst. Esra E. ŞAMLIOĞLU
Res. Asst. Esra E. ŞAMLIOĞLU


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Abdulmelik KUTLUAY
Res. Asst. Abdulmelik KUTLUAY
“Whoever travels a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise.” (Hadith)________________________________________


He graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Theology in 2015. In 2018, he completed his master's thesis titled "The Effect of Debt on Nisab in Terms of Zakat Judgments" at Istanbul University Institute of Social Sciences. In the same year, he started his doctoral studies at Istanbul University Institute of Social Sciences. He received training at the Haseki Religious High Specialization Center under the Presidency of Religious Affairs. He joined Social Sciences University of Ankara Faculty of Islamic Sciences in 2017.

He continues his research in the fields of Islamic economics and finance, debt law, principles of jurisprudence and Islamic legal history.

Research Interests

Participation Banking, Participation Insurance (Takaful), History of Islamic Law, Classical Fiqh

Courses Taught


Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa BORSBUĞA


Research Interests

Courses Taught


Prof. Latif TOKAT
Prof. Latif TOKAT

Studies on Religious Symbolism, Existentialist Theology, Art and Religion Relation

Head of the Deparment of Philosophy and Religious Sciences

"Our age is an age in which God and mortality are forgotten" M. Heidegger

He has done studies on religious language and religious symbolism.
With his book existentialist theology he draws attention to the existential dimension of theology.
He is the author of one of the most important philosophical problems of our time, the meaning of life.
He studies on the relationship between aesthetics and art with God, Being, religion and metaphysics

He graduated from Faculty of Theology of Selçuk University in 1989, after that he worked as a teacher for a while.
He completed his master's degree in the field of The Philosophy of Religion with the thesis titled the problem of freedom in theist existentialism.
He started his PhD at Dokuz Eylül University in 1996, in the field of the philosophy of religion. His thesis was on religious symbolism.
He worked as a research assistant at Karadeniz Technical University and as a faculty member at Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University.
He worked as the Head of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at the same university.
In 2012, he was in Chicago for three months with a scholarship to do research on "Religion in American World View".
In 2015, he stayed in London for six weeks to do some research.
Latif Tokat, who works in the field of Philosophy of Religion,
focused on comparative studies especially in the fields of philosophy and theology, both in his doctorate and after his doctorate.
His published books and articles have presented papers in international and national scientific meetings.

Research Interests
Systematic Islamic thought, systematic theology, the relationship between aesthetics and religion,
the meaning of history, religious epistemology, philosophical-religious pluralism, the possibility of secularism.

Courses Taught


Anlam Sorunu      Dinde Sembolizm      Varoluşçu Teoloji     Din Felsefesi     din felsefesi yazıları

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